Monday, February 5, 2007

Excuse Me...My Brain's on Pause...

I'm loving this whole blog thing. I don't know how I ever got along without them! It started when someone pointed me to a blog written by a woman who lives on a ranch...perhaps you've seen it? She's terribly funny...

I got to thinking that I could do that, too! So I started this blog...but not nearly so funny as the Pioneer Woman's blog. Which is okay, because although the echo can be a bit annoying some days, I'm still having fun talking to myself here. Then I realized that I could start a blog to chronicle the whole wild horse adoption thingie. Then Darling and I made that trip to the cemetery, and I thought, "Wow...I could do an entire blog of cemetery pictures! How cool would that be?" So I started another one. Someone had a picture of an old barn on their blog...and you know what I was thinking!

Oh, inspiration is everywhere! I'm dealing with menopause issues right now, and wondered if maybe I should start a blog called adventures in menopause, or something to that effect. Homemakerkate remarked in one of her comments here that she'd thought she was suffering from early Alzheimer's...golly, I'd thought the same thing! Only about me, not her. I've never met her, so I really never gave much thought as to whether or not she had Alzheimer's.

It's really not Alzheimer's, though; the un-official name for it is Brain-O-Pause. Basically the only thing on pause is the brain. We forget things constantly. I had a friend who forgot her next door neighbor's name for an entire year! She said it was horrible, because they'd lived next door for over 20 years.

I've forgotten my children's names. I've wanted to forget that I've had children, but that hasn't happened yet. Maybe as the disease progresses?

There are some benefits to Brain-O-Pause. I'm constantly forgetting to do the laundry, vacuum the floors and make the beds. But what's the point? Clothes and floors will get dirty again and beds you just unmake in the evening. There's really no reason to remember those things anyway. Dishes, toilet bowls and windows will have to wait till they find a cure for Brain-O-Pause. In the meantime, I've got more time to sit at the computer and create blogs.

I was reading about menopause online the other day. A website broke down a woman's life into three stages; Pre-Babe, Babe, and Post-Babe. The last stage is the menopausal babe...hmmm... I had to go look up what Babe meant. Beauty. Broad. Chick. Cheesecake. Fox. Skirt. Seductress. Temptress. Okay, I like those words. I think they all describe me to a T!

But post-Babe? No longer tempting to the opposite sex? No longer desirable? Um...old? Oh, I don't like that. No, no I do not. Oh, I can hear some of you out there, "Tracey, you're married, why do you feel the need to be attractive to the opposite sex?" Well, duh; that's simple...City Boy is the opposite sex! And now that I think about it, he didn't seem to interested in either the hat or the swimsuit... Oh, good golly, am I post-Babe???

This cannot be a good thing. I wonder if other women out there are dealing with this? I wonder if there's a support group for us, a place where we can gather and voice our concerns or share our stories.... Hey, I know! I'll do one of those new blog thingies on menopause...maybe call it adventures in menopause or something like that...

Now...where did I leave the children?


Anonymous said...

Oh boy, can I relate to everything you've said! Sad to say......

Unknown said...

Oh Tracey, they say life begins at 50, not sure how I'll take it, but for now, I'm dreading it, I'm 47 and have noticed changes ever since I turned 40! So, if you start a blog on the big M, I'll be there!! And you MUST start a blog on old barns, I love them!! I don't know what I ever did before blogging, it's really found my creative inner self!

Beemoosie said...

You are too funny!! LOL I suffer from many of the above mentioned symptoms all ready...boy am I in for it!

Rebekah said...

Well, I haven't seen the pioneer's woman's blog. I think yours is hilarious!

Sheila said...

You call it Brain-o-pause, I call it MentalPause, I think it's the same thing..somebody save me from myself...LOL
And as for the 3 stages in a woman's life..[probably written by a man]...the three stagees in a man's life..or so I have it on good authority..are

Alpicks Treasures said...

I have not heard of that blogg. I have not gone through that yet, I am just turning 42. I remember my Mom with her hot flashes and head acks. We are tougher then before. We can do this, so hang in there.