Sunday, January 21, 2007

But what really happened was...

Okay, I never got my chores done. I just couldn't pass up the opportunity to drive down and see my nameless girl! As I'd mentioned before, there isn't really anything that impressive about her. She's not very tall, she's got pretty thick bone (which for a mountain horse is great, but I tend to look through show eyes) and she's still quite nervous.

But today I was impressed. I had her in the round pen, and while she doesn't yet lead, I was able to get her to move forward, then turn towards me and follow, by using 'mental' pressure. No, mental pressure doesn't mean I was telepathically communicating, lol; but rather moving my body into a position that makes her uncomfortable and forcing her to move. She moved to the left, then to the right, and finally she gave in and followed me around the pen for a couple of minutes without stopping or resisting! I was very pleased with her progress today.

After leaving her, I headed to River Glenn Farm to see the lambs. Oh my gosh...they're just so adorable! Is there really anthing more adorable than a sweet, fluffy new lambie? No, not really. Just look at them! There are 12 in all, most of them twins with a couple of singles. It amazes me how athletic little animal babies are right from the start; look at them climbing over one mom to get to the other! Everyone is in the barn right now as it's still just a bit chilly outside, but also because there have been several bald eagles out there and no one wants to see the eagle fly off with these new precious woollies in their talons!

Next we headed down to the lower pasture to see the damage left by the river. Most of the grass is now covered in clay; it wouldn't be bad if it had been silt, but clay will be harder to deal with. Still, there's green grass poking up and she should be able to use it to some degree.

Click on the image below and you'll see a surprise; there's a bald eagle in the tree! We actually ended up seeing three eagles while we were there. Good thing the lambies were safe and snug inside!
And that's it...nothing much more except that my poor baby boy came home sick from work tonight. He's crashed out on the living room floor and watching a movie right now. Hopefully he'll feel better tomorrow!


Anonymous said...

They are soooo cute! Wouldn't I love to wrap my arms around each one and give them a hug. I can just hear the noise coming out of that barn.Ha!

Candy Duell said...

I love your photos, and the bald eagle was wonderful. I would love to get some sheep one day. I have taken up spinning and it seems that they go hand in hand :) I dont know if I can get my hubby to agree to that.

Thank you for stopping by my blog, the camera I am using is a Canon Digital Rebel, and I have a zoom lens on it so it lets me get the birds that are not to close to me.

Tracey said...

Ah, Candy...City Boy didn't want sheep, either, but then I brought him to look at a truck where they just happened to have sheep (which I had already purchased, but don't tell anyone), and the thought they were rather nice and that maybe two of them wouldn't be bad to mow the pasture with... LOL! Once they were home, he realized his mistake :)