Wednesday, January 31, 2007
All That's Left of Walter...

Tuesday, January 30, 2007
True Confessions of a Desperate Horsewife...
City Boy and I, shortly after becoming engaged.
I'm sure it was the truck that snagged me...

The adorable little Geek Boy and me (far thinner than today!)
Darling riding the neighbor's horse, Boon. What daddy could resist?

Posted by
1:53 PM
Labels: city boy, confession, desperate, geek boy, grammar nazi, horse, pony, wife
Nameless No More
I'm waiting on the paperwork to get here. Supposedly it's on it's way. By the weekend, with a little luck, Sunny will be home where she can become adjusted to her new home. This will be her third home in just over a month! Poor girl. Quite the adjustment for any animal, really, let alone one that's still wild at heart. More than at heart, really, as we still can't catch her.
I've begun a new blog; one that highlights our adopting both Quiet Storm and Sun Storm. Not that I won't post here about my lovely ladies, but more detailed accounts on trainging and day to day mustang life can be found at
Posted by
1:08 PM
Monday, January 29, 2007
Meanwhile....Back on the Farm...
Okay, I didn't say back on my farm, did I?
With no hay barn here, and just one small Ford Ranger for hauling, I don't tend to stock up on much hay at a time. Thankfully my friend Brigget doesn't mind selling it to me straight from her barn as I need it. Half the price, too, of what I'd pay at the feed stores. I'm not one who's fond of heights, nor ladders that climb up to high places, so the fact that the hay is up in the barn loft isn't something I'm all together fond of. For some reason, this granddaughter of a dairy farmer never did master climbing the ladder up to the least not when the ladder was alongside the hay mow door. So to help overcome this small issue, I've begun moving the ladder from alongside the door, to smack dab in the middle of the doorway. Then I climb the ladder and toss down my bales. Since I can't fit more than 8 bales into my truck at a time, and I feed a bale a day, I tend to spend a lot of time at Brigget's during the winter!
Since we were in the area, we decided to stop at Hovander Homestead Park. I say we, but really it was just me. Darling was riding shotgun, but wasn't too keen on my detour as it was quite chilly and she hadn't worn a 'walk about' coat. But she did hop out of the truck with me as I snapped a few shots of the barn and some of the inhabitants of the farm.
Quite some years back, the park employees showed up for work in the morning and found a few peacocks had been added to their menagerie. They didn't mind. Before long, a few more were added. Still, it's a big park, and people like peacocks. Today, Darling and I counted 9 adults hanging out near the barn. Who knows how many are really out there. Sometimes you'll find them on top of that big red barn! There are both the traditional blue shouldered peacocks, and there are white ones, and then there are some with stripes and speckles. I suppose the proper term is peafowl, as only the boys are peacocks, and the girls peahens. But I figure you know what I mean (don't you?) During the summer there are always little peafowl...peachicks?...running about. The park is open year round for visitors, with a great number of resident fowl there during all four seasons. Spring brings lambs, horses, pigs and cattle to the old farm as well. If you ever have the opportunity to visit, it's a terrific place for a picnic or feed the animals with your kids.
Posted by
6:21 PM
On our way home a few days later, Darling asked if we could stop once again in Waterville. Since we had the time, and our bladders had been emptied prior to reaching the town, we said sure. We got out and explored the couple of blocks that made up the 'city center'; approximately half the storefronts were empty with for sale or rent signs in their windows. The city park, aside from having doorless bathrooms, also had a large map showing local places of interest. Places such as the county courthouse and the local cemetary. I suppose this is in case you die there, your loved ones will know where to bury you and where to get the death certificate. I'm guessing the locals would die from there really doesn't appear to be much to do in Waterville. For visitors, it's likely death by fright after visiting the doorless restroom and having a stranger walk in on you (I think if you live here, someone walking in wouldn't be a stranger as there aren't enough people in this town for you not to know everyone.)
Posted by
11:29 AM

Posted by
11:29 AM
Sunday, January 28, 2007
A beautiful day in the valley
Have you ever gotten out of bed and thought that the day is just too beautiful? That's what it was like here in the valley this morning. Sure, it was cold and there was frost on the ground...but, oh! It was bright and clear and just so darned pretty.
My neighbors are out of town for a couple of weeks, and they call on me to feed when ever they're gone. With the morning so bright and lovely, I just had to pack along my camera! Here are their two girls out frolicking in the trees. Well, perhaps frolicking isn't the correct term. Protesting that I wasn't there at day break, and that I had the nerve to taunt them and make them prance about for a photo shoot instead of feeding them is more like it!
Remember my posting about Pepper? Well, his mamma was over on this side of the state this weekend, so I drove down to meet her for lunch. After that, I headed off to see the nameless filly (who's paperwork from the BLM is nearly complete!) Silly girl had managed to get her halter off last night, so Steve had to haul out his lariat and rope her! I think he was concerned that it would all be too traumatic for her (um...or me...), but it wasn't. Not for either one of us.
So Nameless once again has her halter on her.
And that's about it. I made a frozen pizza for myself for dinner as Darling said she didn't really want anything (she'll likely make herself some frozen mac and cheese later), and the Boys are both working. If I could figure out how to work the TV, I'd watch something...but since I can't, I guess I'll just go take a bath...
Posted by
7:37 PM
Saturday, January 27, 2007
It's Getting Late, And...

I kinda like the last one, how about you?
Posted by
9:46 PM
What I Should Have Been Doing..
Posted by
7:23 PM
Those Boots Weren't Made for Walkin'
I ran into someone online who was ever so excited about her honey bun buying her a pair of boots (hint, hint) at this delightful little online boot place: They can call it boot bay, I call it Boots, Baby! Oh, page after lustful page of the most enticing boots I've ever seen. I'm drooling over the keyboard as I type (City Boy will be happy to find that, I'm sure. But if he would just buy me the boots the salivating issue would clear up, I'm certain.)
The greatest Christmas gift I ever received was a pair of pink rubber boots from City Boy a couple years ago. He'd been unemployed and we were so broke; but that pair of boots just lit me up. I put them on and wore them all day. Even wore them to the grocery store the next morning! I loved my pink rubber boots, but eventually wore holes in them and had to put them to rest.
Yup, I love boots. But that's as far as it goes. The rest of the shoe world really does nothing for me.
Darling, on the other hand...that girl is a shoe horse! She's the Imelda Marcos of the Northwest, without a doubt! Ever since her arms were long enough to reach out beyond the edge of her stroller, she'd be snatching shoes off the shelves in every department store we'd walk through. Try convincing the clerk who's accusing you of shoplifting that it really was that sweet, innocent looking two year old that stuffed the shoes into the crevices and folds between herself and the stroller. Trust me, it's a hard sell.
The other day Darling and I were out and she spotted a pair of shiney, lime green sandals. She nearly jumped out of her skin with excitement, clapping her hands, jumping up and down. Something was coming out of her mouth...I'm not sure what, as it was high pitched and sounded rather like a dolphin. I think it was, "CanIcanIcanIcanI"...but I'm not sure. All I know is that I ended up with bright shiney sandals in my bag as I left the store, a pair that I'll never wear (not that I want to!)
Speaking of never being able to wear what comes home in my bag...the other day City Boy took Darling out shopping. They went to the Converse outlet store and bought three pair of shoes; two for Darling and one for me. The pair for me was a lovely red, the reminded me of a pair I had when I was younger. Upon seeing them I was nearly forced into Darling's happy dance, but I restrained myself. Good thing, too, as it would have been wasted. First day I put them on, Darling burst out laughing, telling me that there couldn't possibly be anything in my old fogey wardrobe that would match my lovely red shoes. And you know what? She was right. Dang, I hate when that happens!
So Darling ended up with the ruby red converse. But I still have my boots. I will not let her get her grubby little Imelda hands on my boots!
Posted by
6:37 PM
Friday, January 26, 2007
O'ppossum O'Power
Okay, who here doesn't love 'possums? Those cute, adorable little rascals...
What? You don't love them? You want to see them dead, which is why you swerve to hit them at night while driving home in your SUV?Well, I love them. From their long, ugly snouts to their skinny, rat tails; and just look at those adorable little toes! I find them to be just charming little creatures. Okay, perhaps charming isn't quite the right word. But I do like them in an offbeat sort of way. I was even able to hold one once; a young 'possum who's mother had been killed had been taken in by an oppossum orphanage. It was so soft you just wouldn't believe it. Of course, if you've got tail issues, you probably wouldn't have enjoyed the fact that they wrap it around your arm just like they would a tree. But that little orphaned oppossum had me wrapped around his skinny little rat tail in a matter of moments as he snuggled down in my arms and dozed off just like a baby...
Last year one of the dogs was playing with a young possum outside and I put it into a tub. It took a few hours, but it's heart rate finally bumped up enough that it climbed out of the tub and wandered away.This morning when I got up, I spotted Tait outside with something gray. At first I thought one of my chickens had gotten loose over night, but when I finally got the dog to drop it, I realized it was a young possum. Poor thing! Playing dead out there, trying to avoid getting eaten. I called the dogs in and left the baby on the lawn while I did my chores, hoping it's blood would get to pumping and it would get up and wander off before the dogs came back out.
No such luck. 'Possums take a long time to come back to 'life', especially on such a cold night as this one had been. This one evidentally had no desire to get up, so I went and got an old rabbit cage, put on a pair of gloves, wrapped the possum in an old jacket and put it in the cage, thinking I'd just put it out of harms way so the dogs could come back out and the little dear would remain safe. The best place I could think of was the back of my pickup. As long as it was in there, I figured I'd toss in a little hay and a doggie bisciut for when the little guy woke up. And then I went about my daily routine with the dogs happily trotting around wondering what had happened to their chew toy.
A little later, the men in my life were out of bed. The first thing they did was wonder outloud where the possum had gone. What? It'd been there last night? Yes, they said, it had. It was dead, they told me. I assured them it wasn' was playing possum...
"Nope," they said. "Not playing."
"Oh...but then that means..."
"You've got a dead 'possum in the back of your truck."
I'm still hoping he's playing....
Posted by
7:02 PM
Thursday, January 25, 2007
Would You Care for Some Tea?

My grandmother one day offered me some of her teacups. Not all of them, she said, as she wasn't quite finished with them yet. But a few. As she pulled them out of her cabinet, she held up this little pink cup and saucer, saying that for some reason it gave her the warm fuzzies. She asked if I wanted it. Naturally, anything that gave Grandma warm fuzzies was something I'd cherish, so I said yes and she packed it gently into my box of newly found treasures. When I got home and began unpacking I tipped the pink cup over and saw a signature on the bottom of the saucer, Edris Fitzgerald, 1962. Oh My Word!!!! That was my other Grandmother! She'd died when I was about four, so I never really knew her. But she'd worked a bit in ceramics and this was one of her pieces. I was so glad I'd taken that precious cup!

Posted by
8:36 AM