Tell Me it Ain't So!
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I love these boots! (Haven't I said that before?)
I’m a self confessed boot tramp. I’ve admitted as much here. I love boots. My favorites by far are my Ariat boots. So comfy, so practical. I posted their pic in the boot tramp post. Darling took their picture just the other day when we traveled on the ferry. My love for those boots rivals my affection for my family. And when the family is being disagreeable, I prefer the boots.
I choose to wear my Ariats over anything else in the closet. The only place I wouldn’t wear them would be church…but come to think of it, I’ve worn them there as well. Which is proof positive of my boot trampiness, I suppose. I mean…who but a boot tramp would wear her barn boots to church? But they’re just so comfy!
Darling and I brought the sheep down to the neighbors yesterday, and I started out with my rubber boots. You know, the pair I discovered the hole in while taking that video of the creek for you? Well, walking in them wasn’t easy. My socks kept sliding down to my toes during the walk, so after our first trip I decided I’d change into my Ariats. Why I hadn’t selected them in the first place, I don’t know. I guess I preferred the thought of a wet foot to wearing my comfy leather boots through the long wet grass.
So home we came, and while Darling slipped into the house to grab a warmer sweatshirt, I snatched my boots from the shelf.
Or…what was left of my boots…
I couldn’t believe it. My heart sank down to the deepest depths of the earth’s core. One of my boots was only half a boot! The top half was gone…not there…where was it??? Which is when I noticed Tait standing there, looking quite full and satisfied with her recent kill. Tait ate my Ariat boot!
What's left of my beloved...I'm in mouring!
City Boy has long wanted Tait gone. She’s eaten countless headphones, speakers, and an array of computer parts. Hundreds, if not thousands, of dollars worth of his electronic goodies, videos and whatever else she’s been able to get her little mouth around. Or not so little mouth. No amount of toys has pacified this dog. She doesn’t care if you offer her ropes or pigs ears or peanut butter stuffed kong toys. No, she only wants to chew up things of great value. And now? Now she’s eaten my boot! And City Boy is laughing.
How could this sweet face be hiding so much evil?
To make matters worse? Tait just tossed up something out of the depths of her tummy. Something that looks like strips of leather from an Ariat boot…and I’m wondering…do I clean them off and try to stitch my boots back together again?
So sorry you lost your fave boots. Our new gsp puppy has eaten several of my boys fave toys, parts of my expensive down filled robe, etc. But I HAD to comment because I am laughing my be-hind off at the last sentence of your post. I would be thinking the same thing.
Awww, that's terrible. I'd definately save the half boot though and use it as a planter :)
oH!! Tait is so adorable!! How did she eat the boots and yet still leave them on the shelf? That is one talented pup you've got there!!
oh, yeah...and the horse picture is incredible!! Love it!
It's always the sweet and innocent looking ones you have to watch out for.
My Condolences (if I could spell it!)...:(
She is a cutie pie~~ I'm sure she felt bad after she realized her moment of weakness. Those eyes are so endearing. Now I think you should plant some cheery flowers in your beloved boots and splurge on a new pair. :)
Dearly beloved, we gather here to mourn the loss of a beloved boot....
It could have been worse.....we had a very old dog once who did something similar, but she didn't toss up something out of the depths of her tummy, it was the other end. :-/
OH NO! Bad dog - but such a sweet face, it is hard to be mad.
and NO - don't restitch your boots...let them go with the grace and dignity they deserve....hee hee
That really is a horrible deal. Now wouldn't this be a perfect opportunity for boot shoping? you never know you might get lucky.
That is so incredibly funny I will have to do my own post about my favorite boots.
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